Sagar Ratna Restaurant - Authentically Rajastani, Purely Vegetarian!

Finally we found a Rajastani restaurant in Dubai for authentic Rajastani cuisine. Sagar Ratna restaurant situated in Oud Medha very close to the Lamcy Plaza is a great new place to try out pure vegetarian food that is true to Rajastani taste. The whole place resonates with a characteristically Jodphuri vibe with violet and white colors predominant in the walls and furniture. In fact, the entire décor has been specially and carefully fashioned around these two colors to reflect what they are – Typical Jodhpuri – Rajastani restaurant. More than 70% of Rajasthan is vegetarian, which makes it the most vegetarian state in India. Needless to say, their expertise in vegetarian food is very well established. You can get a feel of this at Sagar Ratna restaurant where everything from the snack to the curries are very well prepared in line with their tradition. What we had? We started our indulgence with a shot of Makhaniya Lassi which is nothing but sweetened buttermilk...